
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

One month done and eleven more to go before 2018

Adding more and more of my collection from recent storage to the studio space.
It always starts this way for me, where January seems to take forever to get any real traction, then suddenly it seems like Thanksgiving and Christmas are barreling down upon us.

I was busy this weekend though, organizing the studio, putting finishing touches on things, unpacking some old boxes from storage, and writing, drawing, recording, filming, and all that sort of stuff.

There's a new update over on Tenacious Ninja here, if you want to check that out. I added my first time lapse video build of the set to my review, and plan on adding more of those for future reviews.

Then, I started up my Sketch Warm-Up videos. These, as I note in the description are to be informal exercises, and most all of the artwork featured will be sloppy, fast, impatient, irregular, and impromptu. But hopefully fun.
Found out today that Mr. Bernie Wrightson the famed illustrator,  retired today. I have such great memories of his illustrative work, and he's one of the major reasons I do love black and white work so much. So of course, I did a warm up featuring a skeleton warrior.

After that, I recorded some thoughts about phone addiction, mostly in jest. Some not. No, I'm kidding. But seriously. In jest. Seriously.
Until next time, support your local artists, be kind to your fellow beings, and always take the path less traveled!

Mario, the Artisan Rogue
Illustrator, Podcaster, Writer, Toy Collector, and Animal Rights Activist

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