Bio, Rates & Resume

I'm Mario Mora, (aka "the Artisan Rogue"), an Independence, Missouri based freelance creative, focusing on retro themed stories, illustrations, and writings, inspired by robots, anime, comic book, monster movies, and a lot of video games. 

More than thirty years ago, I learned HTML and made my first website on Geocities so I could put my artwork online, and embarked on trying to make a living as an artist.

Over the years, this website has grown into a record of my journey and my creative efforts from success to failure, across multiple places I've worked and learned. 

These days, websites like this may not be fashionable, but I do feel they are needed. It's a way to connect and evolve along with the creative world I work within. So thank you for taking the time to look around on here. It's appreciated, more than words could ever say. 

My current endeavors and upcoming releases include:
  • "Ardor: Vol 1" - upcoming graphic novel
  • "The World of Ardor" - collection of the concept art behind the story
  • "Pagan Zoetrope" - re-release of the original graphic novel with additional story and art
  •  "An Insalubrious Penillion of Verbal Adroitness: Vol 1" - songs and poems
  • "The Egos of Gods and Monsters" - security officer stories from the underbelly of society
  •  "I printed this sketchbook for you to buy." - sketches, musings, and some screw ups
  • "Retrophiliac" - book about growing up in the 1980/90s