
Monday, February 6, 2017

February and I got a lot of updates below.

I didn't set up the chair in the shot on the right, I found it there in the alley way like that. There's another one that was up against the wall with a busted front leg. It kind of reminded me of the old wooden chair that was out in the woods near a park pond shore in Warrensburg for years and years before someone finally up and stole it.
I don't get down to the West Bottoms that often at all, even though there are huge haunted houses and the Gangsters and Ghosts tours held down there. But when I do, I try to get photos for reference and future projects, and this past first Friday, all of the antique boutiques were open.
The incredibly cool "Green Man" door knocker was on this massive oak door that was partially buried behind a lot of other decorations in one upscale boutique.
Now mind you, this whole antique thing is quickly becoming very mainstream, and there are some places down there that offer upcycled and renewed items, which, hey that's certainly cool. But there were a few places that had massive old bookshelves and items like that, that LOOKED sort of vintage, until you got up close and realized that it was just a fairly decent job of drybrushing and artificial weathering that had been applied to many items. From mailboxes, to bookshelves, to industrial pipe fitting lamps, there was probably about 30% bland-tiques (I just made that word up) that were available for the hipster and upscale crowd.
Places like this are where you find the really good items.
Maybe I had too many junk dealers in my family, maybe I like legitimately worn out and previously used things too much, perhaps I like authentic and time ravaged elements to not come out of a tube and onto a texture sponge. I mean call me old fashioned, and I'll answer, but I do like finding something that no one else can get. Amazingly that was found within the first twenty minutes of being down there, but I'll get to that in a moment.
So many old and cool items. These three immediately stood out to me.
I may try to go back and find this little book. It was only $4 or so, and had a blown out binding. I read a little bit about the story, and it seems like a quirky and odd but fun read.
An old green lantern. As opposed to the new Green Lantern, which was a terrible movie.
There were some really odd finds like the dental tooth replacement kit in the upper right hand corner.
This was another set of books that would have been cool to pick up. They were published right after the Great War (WW1), in which I can only imagine what the authors must have been feeling not knowing that WW2 was only a few years away.
I guess TPS reports were WAY bigger back in the day... Seriously what the hell kind of paper do you type on this thing?
As a kid, I HAD this set of die cast cars, and I remember, man it was a weird bit of deja vu when I picked up the still sealed cars, because it took me back to my birthday around 1982 or so when I first got this set. I know I still have these three somewhere in storage.
The cool thing about finding a lot of the shipping boxes and crates is that there is a lot of really cool typography that I find pretty inspirational.
The big round object is what I assume is a Society of Creative Anachronism viking shield. I was labeled "Wagon Wheel".
There are a lot of LEGO knockoffs nowadays, and I really want to do some digging into what and where these building blocks came from, and if they were precursors to the LEGO ones (which originally didn't snap together either like these).
I ended up with the very kick ass little shelf, but before I was going to hang it up to put art supplies in it, I wanted to put some polyurethane on it.
It really brought out the colors in the wood.
And so with the newest shelf addition to hold my inks and dyes, my studio status upgrades once again. Bit by bit, until I can either get more money in with more steady work, or win the lottery. Personally, I'd take the work.

I did work on a few other things, including this new podcast dealing with what I go through mentally when doing resumes, interviews, things like that. I try to find the humor in things so that I can face daily challenges with as much gusto and positive thought as I can.
I also have some more additions to my Art Creation playlist on my YouTube channel you can check out below.

The Visit the Moon art isn't going to the Moon anytime soon, but I will be on it's way to a show in Iowa tomorrow.

And last but not least, you can check out my new write up over on Tenacious Ninja, on the AT-AT mini vehicle review and build.

Until next time, thanks for reading, watching, and listening to what I do. If you'd like to help me keep creating this sort of stuff, check out my store at the link above, or on Patreon. Remember to support your local artists, be kind to your fellow beings, and always take the path less traveled!

Mario, the Artisan Rogue
Illustrator, Podcaster, Writer, Toy Collector, and Animal Rights Activist

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