Monday, May 11, 2015

Is it just me, or is it almost halfway through 2015?

(Left) Preview color work for "Days Gone By" graphic novel. (Right) Some digital color work.
Okay, so a quick update on what I've been keeping myself busy with. As you can see above, there is a preview page of Pagan Zoetrope's upcoming graphic novel "Days Gone By" which I am working at a fevered pitch to finish as soon as possible. It will collect issues 1 through 3, very possibly issue 4 as well if I can manage it. As a reminder, if you haven't submitted a photo of yourself, you and your family, or whomever, featuring my art, books, or anything I sold to you, and you want to send it to me, you can to mario (at) mariomora (dot) net. Just make sure it's a family friendly photo. It's for a special section of the graphic novel that is meant to thank all of you for supporting me by buying art, talking to me/helping me out at shows, and also has a few other photos of some very cool people I have had the opportunity to meet over the years.
Close up details of the first in my new larger sized series of works, "Tank Girl".
On the wood panel series I've been doing, I have managed to make large strides towards finishing my 12 inch wide and 4 foot tall "Tank Girl" work, and hope to have it finished up before the end of this month, listed on the website for sale, and have some art reproductions of it ready to go as well.

Other works are going to be added as well to the store by this next weekend.

I have more stuff to talk about, but not a lot of time at the current moment to do so, and some stuff I can't talk about just yet.

Keep supporting the art you love, look out for your fellow beings, and I'll see you next time!
p.s. Cruise on over to the Tenacious Toys blog if you want to read my review on the incredibly cool Lego set for the Star Wars Old Republic Sith Fury Class Interceptor.

Tenacious Toys. If you want to know what's going on in the world of toys, it's where you need to be.

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