It's Monday once again, and for many of us, it's back to a rigid and segmented formulaic way to get through your day. I actually had a pretty productive weekend in being able to get some things accomplished around the house, getting some new items created and up for sale, and had a decent chance to decompress and brace myself for whatever may come this next work week.
So, although I think you all would LOVE to hear about my adventures folding business cards, or batch editing photoshop files (the DRAMA!), or repeatedly flubbing lines while working on audio files, I think I'll start off with a few new things I published up online here in the last few days.
This is where you can find my fledgling efforts at podcasting at the moment. |
Yes, I finally have gotten the gumption and time to get this thing off the ground. I had wanted to provide a companion to the efforts I had been doing on YouTube, but one that allowed me more flexibility and a lower amount of effort to produce. Well I should say a more streamlined effort, because podcast producing can be like pizza. It can either really lift your mood and be at least acceptable towards the end of it, or it can be just terrible. As of this date, at least the initial feedback has been positive, and I feel energized that I can spread out into topics (all still very art and educational related) that maybe would not work as well as just a blog post or in video format. I'm working to get the RSS feed up on iTunes, but in the meantime you can check it out at
Artisan Rogue at PodBean
Thank you and welcome to the four new subscribers that joined up this weekend! :) |
Oh my goodness. (I know faithful subscribers, all fifteen of you whom I am grateful for!) I uploaded a
video on my channel and this one covers the first half of the work I did on my illustration of Tank Girl, which I had debuted at Spectrum Fantastic Art Live earlier this year. If you like it, give it a thumbs up. If you really like it, comment!
Storenvy and Society6!
You'll note the new cover for Volume 1 of my poetry has new photography on it, by yours truly. |
I really love how this design came out. |
Publications and more are coming out!
If you check out my Storenvy Site, you'll notice that a bit more new art is up on there, and some new stuff like the Pagan Zoetrope Anthology and Issue 4 are on the way very soon (got word that the printers are almost done with them), and a second collection of poetry and art is going to be available by the time FreeState hits in October.
If you meander over to
my little area of Society6, you'll find my humble collection of wearables and other items now have Tank Girl as an option on there.
Upcoming Shows for the rest of 2015!
KCCC, KC ZineCon, FreeState, and Air Capital Comicon are the ones I have lined up so far, but there are a few others that I might be participating in before 2016 runs into me like a wayward double decker bus carrying Harry Potter. Keep checking back here or on
Twitter (@theArtisanRogue) to see where either I, or my artwork will be appearing.
Tenacious Ninja Lego Review!
This set has quickly entered my top five favorite Lego sets. |
Formerly Tenacious Toys, now a Ninja! Get over and read
my new review on the Lego Ideas Ghostbusters Ecto 1!
So, yeah, a new week is here, and who knows what that's going to bring us. A good friend of mine once told me that no matter what, if you look to the new day with a positive outlook, then only good things can happen from there. I've subscribed to that thought for a few weeks now.
I hope this week finds good progress, bountiful things, and good moments for all of you. Always remember to help that hand or paw in need. We are the only ones that can really navigate our futures. That doesn't mean we don't have obstacles or challenges along the way... but it does mean we learn more about ourselves as we face up to them.
Have a great week you all! And I'll see you next time!
- Mario, the Artisan Rogue
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