In other good news, a wonderful company out of Florida, Data Analyzers, have the distinction of performing no small miracle on saving the data that had gone down the tube a while back. I didn't have the cloud back up of Carbonite going yet, and when that Seagate drive I was backing everything up to went... oh god. Maybe some of you can relate, but I lost at that time, artwork, digital creations, whole storylines, scripts, photos, video footage... you name it. A LOT of client work had been stored on it (which I can admit to now as it's all been recovered) so to say I was having a slow meltdown laced with a bout of insane nerves all year long, is putting it mildly. So lessons learned here on a professional level...
- If you don't have cloud back up... get it. Soon. Now. Yesterday.
- Even if you do have cloud back up, have a second hard drive for your back up locally, whether it's internal or external.
- Always remember that digital is not forever, companies go out of business, new formats come out, and being organized with your files is paramount to being prepared.
Speaking of my other blogs, I have some new updates on there for those of you interested, check out Rogue Hobbyist, for me reminiscing about GamesDay 2003 and my earliest encounter with Warhammer Online. I've also added a few more visual flourishes like a new banner graphic, and my GamersGate account info.
If you're into Lego, I have a nice little overview of some Indiana Jones minifigures over on Tenacious Toys that I posted a bit earlier in the week, and I've got my first review of a Lego Heroica game coming up this Monday as well.
I think one of the things I spend about three to four hours a week doing is just organizing and labeling photographs that I download off my phone. I always wondered if that could ever be part of the drama in films that talk about the creative process with artists. You know, when they show artists being these moody or wild types that are maybe a bit unhinged or so soaked up in the creation of a work of art? What about the times when it's 1:30 am and that same artist is just sitting at a computer relabeling jpegs? Or while you're waiting for a video to render, or a work to dry, we don't all go drink wine, or stare wistfully at the night skyline. I in fact just stay seated and play a game on my phone. That or nod off for a quick one minute moment of sleep.
But, the good news is all of the work that had been done for the next comic issue I was going to put out, as well as the work I had done for my compendium graphic novel was saved by Data Analyzers, so both of those will be debuting this year.
Well, since I need to get back to drawing and writing now, I hope this year has been going well for all of you, and I'll have more to post up before the end of the month. I will leave you with this...
"Today I found an old printout from GeoCities, and it showed my old neighborhood in Area 51, I started my website when I turned 16, and it's now on version 15.0, i think... (I've revamped the design only that many times...) so that makes my website, which was then purchased by Yahoo, till this new year, at 24 years years old. That is literally one of the most surreal things I can contemplate."
My website is going to be 25 years old next year. I keep thinking I should do something to commemorate that fact... but I'm not sure what.
Till then, support your local artists, respect your environment, and always offer a helping hand.
- Mario, the Artisan Rogue
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